Shortcuts manual

Important: Requires either , Chrome Dev or Chrome Canary for sticky popup—to keep the popup open after entering a command. See and Chrome 127: New action.openPopup API for more information.

Available from this Chrome version and higher.


Alt+Space (Ctrl+Space on Windows) is the main keyboard shortcut. Use it to open the extension’s popup—aka “Vim” mode. Press Slash to search commands and Escape to cancel.

If you need explanations of the shortcuts—Right-click the Shortcuts toolbar button and select “Documentation”.

The keyboard shortcuts are fully customizable.

Command palette

The command palette is the main way to search functionality in Shortcuts.

  1. To open the command palette—Press either Slash, Control+KeyF or click the search field in the extension’s popup.
  2. In the search field, type what you’re looking for—results appear as you type.
  3. Choose a suggestion and press Enter to activate the selection.

Configure keyboard shortcuts

Navigate to chrome://extensions/shortcuts to configure global keyboard shortcuts.

You can for example bind Ctrl+Y to open a new tab to the right, Ctrl+B to duplicate the current tab, or change the default shortcut—to open the popup—to Alt+J.

You can also configure the popup keys by importing and exporting settings in the “Options” page—Right-click the Shortcuts toolbar button and select “Options”.

Example configuration
  "commandBindings": [
    { "command": "openShortcutsManual", "key": { "code": "F1" } },
    { "command": "openShortcutsOptionsPage", "key": { "code": "F2" } },
    { "command": "openCommandPalette", "key": { "code": "Slash" } },
    { "command": "openCommandPalette", "key": { "ctrlKey": true, "code": "KeyF" } },
    { "command": "closePopup", "key": { "code": "Escape" } },
    { "command": "closePopup", "key": { "ctrlKey": true, "code": "KeyC" } },
    { "command": "closePopup", "key": { "code": "KeyQ" } },
    { "command": "goBack", "key": { "altKey": true, "code": "KeyH" } },
    { "command": "goForward", "key": { "altKey": true, "code": "KeyL" } },
    { "command": "reloadTab", "key": { "code": "KeyR" } },
    { "command": "reloadTabWithoutCache", "key": { "shiftKey": true, "code": "KeyR" } },
    { "command": "goToNextPage", "key": { "shiftKey": true, "code": "Period" } },
    { "command": "goToPreviousPage", "key": { "shiftKey": true, "code": "Comma" } },
    { "command": "removeURLParams", "key": { "shiftKey": true, "code": "KeyU" } },
    { "command": "goUp", "key": { "altKey": true, "code": "KeyU" } },
    { "command": "goToRoot", "key": { "altKey": true, "shiftKey": true, "code": "KeyU" } },
    { "command": "focusTextInput", "key": { "code": "KeyI" } },
    { "command": "focusMediaPlayer", "key": { "code": "KeyV" } },
    { "command": "blurElement", "key": { "shiftKey": true, "code": "Escape" } },
    { "command": "copyURL", "key": { "code": "KeyY" } },
    { "command": "copyTitle", "key": { "altKey": true, "code": "KeyY" } },
    { "command": "copyTitleAndURL", "key": { "shiftKey": true, "code": "KeyY" } },
    { "command": "savePage", "key": { "ctrlKey": true, "code": "KeyS" } },
    { "command": "savePageAsMHTML", "key": { "ctrlKey": true, "shiftKey": true, "code": "KeyS" } },
    { "command": "openWebSearchForSelectedText", "key": { "altKey": true, "code": "KeyW" } },
    { "command": "scrollDown", "key": { "code": "KeyJ" } },
    { "command": "scrollUp", "key": { "code": "KeyK" } },
    { "command": "scrollLeft", "key": { "code": "KeyH" } },
    { "command": "scrollRight", "key": { "code": "KeyL" } },
    { "command": "scrollPageDown", "key": { "code": "Space" } },
    { "command": "scrollPageUp", "key": { "shiftKey": true, "code": "Space" } },
    { "command": "scrollHalfPageDown", "key": { "shiftKey": true, "code": "KeyJ" } },
    { "command": "scrollHalfPageUp", "key": { "shiftKey": true, "code": "KeyK" } },
    { "command": "scrollToTop", "key": { "code": "KeyG" } },
    { "command": "scrollToBottom", "key": { "code": "KeyE" } },
    { "command": "zoomIn", "key": { "code": "Equal" } },
    { "command": "zoomOut", "key": { "code": "Minus" } },
    { "command": "zoomReset", "key": { "code": "Digit0" } },
    { "command": "toggleFullScreen", "key": { "code": "KeyF" } },
    { "command": "openNewTab", "key": { "code": "KeyT" } },
    { "command": "openNewTabRight", "key": { "code": "KeyO" } },
    { "command": "openNewWindow", "key": { "code": "KeyN" } },
    { "command": "openNewIncognitoWindow", "key": { "shiftKey": true, "code": "KeyN" } },
    { "command": "closeTab", "key": { "code": "KeyX" } },
    { "command": "closeOtherTabs", "key": { "altKey": true, "code": "KeyX" } },
    { "command": "closeRightTabs", "key": { "altKey": true, "shiftKey": true, "code": "KeyX" } },
    { "command": "closeWindow", "key": { "shiftKey": true, "code": "KeyX" } },
    { "command": "restoreTab", "key": { "code": "KeyU" } },
    { "command": "duplicateTab", "key": { "code": "KeyB" } },
    { "command": "togglePinTab", "key": { "code": "KeyP" } },
    { "command": "toggleGroupTab", "key": { "shiftKey": true, "code": "KeyP" } },
    { "command": "toggleCollapseTabGroups", "key": { "code": "KeyC" } },
    { "command": "toggleMuteTab", "key": { "code": "KeyM" } },
    { "command": "discardTab", "key": { "code": "KeyD" } },
    { "command": "sortTabsByURL", "key": { "shiftKey": true, "code": "Digit1" } },
    { "command": "groupTabsByDomain", "key": { "shiftKey": true, "code": "Digit2" } },
    { "command": "renameTabGroup", "key": { "altKey": true, "code": "KeyR" } },
    { "command": "cycleTabGroupColorForward", "key": { "altKey": true, "code": "KeyA" } },
    { "command": "cycleTabGroupColorBackward", "key": { "altKey": true, "shiftKey": true, "code": "KeyA" } },
    { "command": "activateAudibleTab", "key": { "shiftKey": true, "code": "Digit3" } },
    { "command": "activateNextTab", "key": { "code": "Tab" } },
    { "command": "activateNextTab", "key": { "altKey": true, "code": "KeyK" } },
    { "command": "activatePreviousTab", "key": { "shiftKey": true, "code": "Tab" } },
    { "command": "activatePreviousTab", "key": { "altKey": true, "code": "KeyJ" } },
    { "command": "activateFirstTab", "key": { "code": "Digit1" } },
    { "command": "activateSecondTab", "key": { "code": "Digit2" } },
    { "command": "activateThirdTab", "key": { "code": "Digit3" } },
    { "command": "activateFourthTab", "key": { "code": "Digit4" } },
    { "command": "activateFifthTab", "key": { "code": "Digit5" } },
    { "command": "activateSixthTab", "key": { "code": "Digit6" } },
    { "command": "activateSeventhTab", "key": { "code": "Digit7" } },
    { "command": "activateEighthTab", "key": { "code": "Digit8" } },
    { "command": "activateLastTab", "key": { "code": "Digit9" } },
    { "command": "activateLastActiveTab", "key": { "altKey": true, "code": "Digit1" } },
    { "command": "activateSecondLastActiveTab", "key": { "altKey": true, "code": "Digit2" } },
    { "command": "activateThirdLastActiveTab", "key": { "altKey": true, "code": "Digit3" } },
    { "command": "activateFourthLastActiveTab", "key": { "altKey": true, "code": "Digit4" } },
    { "command": "activateFifthLastActiveTab", "key": { "altKey": true, "code": "Digit5" } },
    { "command": "activateSixthLastActiveTab", "key": { "altKey": true, "code": "Digit6" } },
    { "command": "activateSeventhLastActiveTab", "key": { "altKey": true, "code": "Digit7" } },
    { "command": "activateEighthLastActiveTab", "key": { "altKey": true, "code": "Digit8" } },
    { "command": "activateNinthLastActiveTab", "key": { "altKey": true, "code": "Digit9" } },
    { "command": "activateNextWindow", "key": { "code": "KeyW" } },
    { "command": "activatePreviousWindow", "key": { "shiftKey": true, "code": "KeyW" } },
    { "command": "grabTab", "key": { "altKey": true, "code": "KeyG" } },
    { "command": "moveTabLeft", "key": { "code": "ArrowLeft" } },
    { "command": "moveTabRight", "key": { "code": "ArrowRight" } },
    { "command": "moveTabFirst", "key": { "code": "Home" } },
    { "command": "moveTabLast", "key": { "code": "End" } },
    { "command": "moveTabNewWindow", "key": { "code": "ArrowUp" } },
    { "command": "moveTabPreviousWindow", "key": { "code": "ArrowDown" } },
    { "command": "selectActiveTab", "key": { "code": "KeyS" } },
    { "command": "selectPreviousTab", "key": { "code": "BracketLeft" } },
    { "command": "selectNextTab", "key": { "code": "BracketRight" } },
    { "command": "selectRelatedTabs", "key": { "code": "Backquote" } },
    { "command": "selectTabsInGroup", "key": { "code": "KeyA" } },
    { "command": "selectAllTabs", "key": { "shiftKey": true, "code": "KeyA" } },
    { "command": "selectRightTabs", "key": { "shiftKey": true, "code": "KeyS" } },
    { "command": "moveTabSelectionFaceBackward", "key": { "shiftKey": true, "code": "BracketLeft" } },
    { "command": "moveTabSelectionFaceForward", "key": { "shiftKey": true, "code": "BracketRight" } },
    { "command": "bookmarkTab", "key": { "shiftKey": true, "code": "KeyD" } },
    { "command": "bookmarkSession", "key": { "shiftKey": true, "code": "KeyB" } },
    { "command": "addTabToReadingList", "key": { "altKey": true, "code": "KeyD" } },
    { "command": "openDownloadsFolder", "key": { "ctrlKey": true, "code": "KeyK" } },
    { "command": "openBrowsingHistory", "key": { "ctrlKey": true, "code": "KeyH" } },
    { "command": "openSyncedTabsPage", "key": { "ctrlKey": true, "code": "KeyT" } },
    { "command": "openClearBrowserDataOptions", "key": { "ctrlKey": true, "code": "Delete" } },
    { "command": "openDownloadHistory", "key": { "ctrlKey": true, "code": "KeyJ" } },
    { "command": "openBookmarkManager", "key": { "ctrlKey": true, "code": "KeyO" } },
    { "command": "openSettings", "key": { "code": "Comma" } },
    { "command": "openPasswordManager", "key": { "ctrlKey": true, "code": "KeyY" } },
    { "command": "openSearchEngineSettings", "key": { "ctrlKey": true, "code": "Slash" } },
    { "command": "openExtensionsPage", "key": { "ctrlKey": true, "code": "KeyA" } },
    { "command": "openExtensionShortcutsPage", "key": { "shiftKey": true, "code": "Equal" } },
    { "command": "openExperimentalSettings", "key": { "ctrlKey": true, "code": "Comma" } }
  "paletteBindings": [
    { "command": "selectNextItem", "key": { "code": "ArrowDown" } },
    { "command": "selectNextItem", "key": { "ctrlKey": true, "code": "KeyN" } },
    { "command": "selectNextItem", "key": { "code": "Tab" } },
    { "command": "selectPreviousItem", "key": { "code": "ArrowUp" } },
    { "command": "selectPreviousItem", "key": { "ctrlKey": true, "code": "KeyP" } },
    { "command": "selectPreviousItem", "key": { "shiftKey": true, "code": "Tab" } },
    { "command": "activateSelectedItem", "key": { "code": "Enter" } },
    { "command": "openSelectedItemInCurrentTab", "key": { "altKey": true, "code": "Enter" } },
    { "command": "openSelectedItemInNewBackgroundTab", "key": { "ctrlKey": true, "code": "Enter" } },
    { "command": "openSelectedItemInNewBackgroundTab", "key": { "metaKey": true, "code": "Enter" } },
    { "command": "openSelectedItemInNewForegroundTab", "key": { "ctrlKey": true, "shiftKey": true, "code": "Enter" } },
    { "command": "openSelectedItemInNewForegroundTab", "key": { "shiftKey": true, "metaKey": true, "code": "Enter" } },
    { "command": "openSelectedItemInNewWindow", "key": { "shiftKey": true, "code": "Enter" } },
    { "command": "movePageDown", "key": { "code": "PageDown" } },
    { "command": "movePageDown", "key": { "ctrlKey": true, "code": "KeyD" } },
    { "command": "movePageUp", "key": { "code": "PageUp" } },
    { "command": "movePageUp", "key": { "ctrlKey": true, "code": "KeyU" } },
    { "command": "closeCommandPalette", "key": { "code": "Escape" } },
    { "command": "closeCommandPalette", "key": { "ctrlKey": true, "code": "KeyC" } }

In practice?

Alt+J / Alt+K are the main keyboard shortcuts I use for navigating to open the Shortcuts menu and click using Link Hints.

Finally, to complement the built-in keyboard shortcuts, I’ve configured Ctrl+Y to open a new tab to the right, Ctrl+B to duplicate the current tab, Alt+W to web search selected text, Alt+Y to copy URLs, and Alt+I to focus text fields.


Commands are actions that can be performed with keyboard shortcuts or mouse clicks in the extension’s popup.

About keyboard shortcuts

  • is the Control key.
  • is the Alt or Option key on macOS.
  • is the Shift key.
  • is the Windows or Command key on macOS.

Keyboard shortcuts in the extension’s popup are defined with physical keys. These keys are shown below. Blue keys are present on all standard keyboards while green keys are only available on some keyboards.

The writing system keys
The writing system keys.

See Keyboard Event code Value Tables for a complete reference. You will find the list of code values and informative symbols.

Tip: You can click on the keys with code values to show the keys to press (e.g., clicking on KeyJ will show “j” on a US keyboard).


These commands are only available in the extension’s popup.

Command Description Windows and Linux key macOS key Popup key
openShortcutsManual Open the Shortcuts manual F1
openShortcutsOptionsPage Open the Shortcuts “Options” page F2
openCommandPalette Open the command palette Slash, Control+KeyF
closePopup Close the popup window Escape, Control+KeyC, KeyQ

Command palette

These commands are only available in the command palette.

Command Description Windows and Linux key macOS key Palette key
selectNextItem Select the next item ArrowDown, Control+KeyN, Tab
selectPreviousItem Select the previous item ArrowUp, Control+KeyP, Shift+Tab
activateSelectedItem Activate selected item Enter
openSelectedItemInCurrentTab Open selected item in the current tab Alt+Enter
openSelectedItemInNewBackgroundTab Open selected item in a new background tab Control+Enter, Command+Enter
openSelectedItemInNewForegroundTab Open selected item in a new foreground tab Control+Shift+Enter, Shift+Command+Enter
openSelectedItemInNewWindow Open selected item in a new window Shift+Enter
movePageDown Move page down PageDown, Control+KeyD
movePageUp Move page up PageUp, Control+KeyU
closeCommandPalette Close the command palette Escape, Control+KeyC


Command Description Windows and Linux key macOS key Popup key
focusTextInput Cycle through text fields KeyI
focusMediaPlayer Cycle through media players KeyV
blurElement Blur the active element Shift+Escape


Command Description Windows and Linux key macOS key Popup key
copyURL Copy URL of selected tabs KeyY
copyTitle Copy title of selected tabs Alt+KeyY
copyTitleAndURL Copy title and URL of selected tabs Shift+KeyY

Note: If Chrome notifications are enabled, Shortcuts will show you a message for copied text.

Save pages

Command Description Windows and Linux key macOS key Popup key
savePage Save the content of selected tabs Control+S Command+S Control+KeyS
savePageAsMHTML Save the content of selected tabs as MHTML Control+Shift+KeyS

Web search

Command Description Windows and Linux key macOS key Popup key
openWebSearchForSelectedText Perform a web search for selected text Alt+KeyW


Command Description Windows and Linux key macOS key Popup key
scrollDown Scroll down ArrowDown ArrowDown KeyJ
scrollUp Scroll up ArrowUp ArrowUp KeyK
scrollLeft Scroll left ArrowLeft ArrowLeft KeyH
scrollRight Scroll right ArrowRight ArrowRight KeyL
scrollPageDown Scroll one page down Space, PageDown Space, PageDown Space
scrollPageUp Scroll one page up Shift+Space, PageUp Shift+Space, PageUp Shift+Space
scrollHalfPageDown Scroll half page down Shift+KeyJ
scrollHalfPageUp Scroll half page up Shift+KeyK
scrollToTop Scroll to the top of the page Home, Control+ArrowUp Home, Command+ArrowUp KeyG
scrollToBottom Scroll to the bottom of the page End, Control+ArrowDown End, Command+ArrowDown KeyE


Command Description Windows and Linux key macOS key Popup key
zoomIn Zoom in Control+Equal Command+Equal Equal
zoomOut Zoom out Control+Minus Command+Minus Minus
zoomReset Reset the zoom factor Control+0 Command+0 Digit0
toggleFullScreen Turn full-screen mode on or off F11 Globe+F, Control+Command+F KeyF

Create tabs

Command Description Windows and Linux key macOS key Popup key
openNewTab Open and activate a new tab Control+T Command+T KeyT
openNewTabRight Open and activate a new tab to the right KeyO
openNewWindow Open a new window Control+N Command+N KeyN
openNewIncognitoWindow Open a new window in Incognito mode Control+Shift+N Shift+Command+N Shift+KeyN

Close tabs

Command Description Windows and Linux key macOS key Popup key
closeTab Close selected tabs Control+W, Control+F4 Command+W KeyX
closeOtherTabs Close other tabs Alt+KeyX
closeRightTabs Close tabs to the right Alt+Shift+KeyX
closeWindow Close the window that contains the tab Control+Shift+W, Alt+F4 Shift+Command+W Shift+KeyX
restoreTab Reopen previously closed tabs Control+Shift+T Shift+Command+T KeyU

Tab state

Command Description Windows and Linux key macOS key Popup key
duplicateTab Duplicate selected tabs KeyB
togglePinTab Pin or unpin selected tabs KeyP
toggleGroupTab Group or ungroup selected tabs Shift+KeyP
toggleCollapseTabGroups Collapse or uncollapse tab groups KeyC
toggleMuteTab Mute or unmute selected tabs KeyM
discardTab Discard selected tabs KeyD

Organize tabs

Command Description Windows and Linux key macOS key Popup key
sortTabsByURL Sort selected tabs by URL Shift+Digit1
groupTabsByDomain Group selected tabs by domain Shift+Digit2

Manage tab groups

Command Description Windows and Linux key macOS key Popup key
renameTabGroup Rename tab group Alt+KeyR
cycleTabGroupColorForward Cycle forward through tab group colors Alt+KeyA
cycleTabGroupColorBackward Cycle backward through tab group colors Alt+Shift+KeyA

Switch tabs

Command Description Windows and Linux key macOS key Popup key
activateAudibleTab Cycle through audible tabs Shift+Digit3
activateNextTab Activate the next open tab Control+Tab, Control+PageDown Control+Tab, Option+Command+ArrowRight Tab, Alt+KeyK
activatePreviousTab Activate the previous open tab Control+Shift+Tab, Control+PageUp Control+Shift+Tab, Option+Command+ArrowLeft Shift+Tab, Alt+KeyJ
activateFirstTab Activate the leftmost open tab Control+1 Command+1 Digit1
activateSecondTab Activate the second leftmost open tab Control+2 Command+2 Digit2
activateThirdTab Activate the third leftmost open tab Control+3 Command+3 Digit3
activateFourthTab Activate the fourth leftmost open tab Control+4 Command+4 Digit4
activateFifthTab Activate the fifth leftmost open tab Control+5 Command+5 Digit5
activateSixthTab Activate the sixth leftmost open tab Control+6 Command+6 Digit6
activateSeventhTab Activate the seventh leftmost open tab Control+7 Command+7 Digit7
activateEighthTab Activate the eighth leftmost open tab Control+8 Command+8 Digit8
activateLastTab Activate the rightmost open tab Control+9 Command+9 Digit9
activateLastActiveTab Activate the last active tab Alt+Digit1
activateSecondLastActiveTab Activate the second last active tab Alt+Digit2
activateThirdLastActiveTab Activate the third last active tab Alt+Digit3
activateFourthLastActiveTab Activate the fourth last active tab Alt+Digit4
activateFifthLastActiveTab Activate the fifth last active tab Alt+Digit5
activateSixthLastActiveTab Activate the sixth last active tab Alt+Digit6
activateSeventhLastActiveTab Activate the seventh last active tab Alt+Digit7
activateEighthLastActiveTab Activate the eighth last active tab Alt+Digit8
activateNinthLastActiveTab Activate the ninth last active tab Alt+Digit9
activateNextWindow Activate the next open window KeyW
activatePreviousWindow Activate the previous open window Shift+KeyW

Move tabs

Command Description Windows and Linux key macOS key Popup key
grabTab Grab selected tabs Alt+KeyG
moveTabLeft Move selected tabs left Control+Shift+PageUp Control+Shift+PageUp ArrowLeft
moveTabRight Move selected tabs right Control+Shift+PageDown Control+Shift+PageDown ArrowRight
moveTabFirst Move selected tabs to the far left Home
moveTabLast Move selected tabs to the far right End
moveTabNewWindow Move selected tabs to a new window ArrowUp
moveTabPreviousWindow Move selected tabs to the previous open window ArrowDown

Select tabs

Command Description Windows and Linux key macOS key Popup key
selectActiveTab Deselect all other tabs KeyS
selectPreviousTab Select the previous tab BracketLeft
selectNextTab Select the next tab BracketRight
selectRelatedTabs Select related tabs Backquote
selectTabsInGroup Select tabs in group KeyA
selectAllTabs Select all tabs Shift+KeyA
selectRightTabs Select tabs to the right Shift+KeyS
moveTabSelectionFaceBackward Move tab selection’s face backward Shift+BracketLeft
moveTabSelectionFaceForward Move tab selection’s face forward Shift+BracketRight

Tip: Selecting tabs in group can be used for ungrouped tabs.


Command Description Windows and Linux key macOS key Popup key
bookmarkTab Save selected tabs as bookmarks Control+D Command+D Shift+KeyD
bookmarkSession Save the current session as bookmarks Control+Shift+D Shift+Command+D Shift+KeyB

Note: If Chrome notifications are enabled, Shortcuts will show you a message for created bookmarks.

Reading list

Command Description Windows and Linux key macOS key Popup key
addTabToReadingList Add selected tabs to your reading list Alt+KeyD

Note: If Chrome notifications are enabled, Shortcuts will show you a message for pages added to your reading list.


Command Description Windows and Linux key macOS key Popup key
openDownloadsFolder Open the “Downloads” folder Control+KeyK

Chrome URLs

Command Description Windows and Linux key macOS key Popup key
openBrowsingHistory Open the browsing history Control+H Command+Y Control+KeyH
openSyncedTabsPage Open the “Tabs from other devices” page Control+KeyT
openClearBrowserDataOptions Open the “Delete browsing data” options Control+Shift+Delete Shift+Command+Delete Control+Delete
openDownloadHistory Open the download history Control+J Option+Command+L Control+KeyJ
openBookmarkManager Open the bookmark manager Control+Shift+O Option+Command+B Control+KeyO
openSettings Open settings Command+Comma Comma
openAppearanceSettings Open appearance settings
openPasswordManager Open the password manager Control+KeyY
openPaymentMethodSettings Open payment method settings
openAddressSettings Open address settings
openSearchEngineSettings Open search engine settings Control+Slash
openExtensionsPage Open the “Extensions” page Control+KeyA
openExtensionShortcutsPage Open the “Extension shortcuts” page Shift+Equal
openExperimentalSettings Open experimental settings Control+Comma
openAboutChromePage Open the “About Chrome” page
openAboutChromeVersionPage Open the “About Chrome version” page
openWhatsNewPage Open the “What’s new in Chrome” page

Open tab suggestions

These commands are only available in the command palette.

Command Description Windows and Linux key macOS key Palette key
activateSuggestion(openTabSuggestion) Activate suggestion in the tab strip Control+Shift+A or @tabs in the address bar Shift+Command+A or @tabs in the address bar Enter

Recently closed tab suggestions

These commands are only available in the command palette.

Command Description Windows and Linux key macOS key Palette key
activateSuggestion(closedTabSuggestion) Reopen suggestion in a new tab Control+Shift+A Shift+Command+A Enter

Synced tab suggestions

These commands are only available in the command palette.

Command Description Windows and Linux key macOS key Palette key
activateSuggestion(syncedTabSuggestion) Open suggestion in a new tab Enter

Bookmark suggestions

These commands are only available in the command palette.

Command Description Windows and Linux key macOS key Palette key
activateSuggestion(bookmarkSuggestion) Open and activate suggestion in a new tab @bookmarks in the address bar @bookmarks in the address bar Enter

Reading list suggestions

These commands are only available in the command palette.

Command Description Windows and Linux key macOS key Palette key
activateSuggestion(readingListSuggestion) Open and activate suggestion in a new tab Enter

Recently visited page suggestions

These commands are only available in the command palette.

Command Description Windows and Linux key macOS key Palette key
activateSuggestion(historySuggestion) Open and activate suggestion in a new tab @history in the address bar @history in the address bar Enter

Download suggestions

These commands are only available in the command palette.

Command Description Windows and Linux key macOS key Palette key
activateSuggestion(downloadSuggestion) Show suggestion in its folder in a file manager Enter

For more keyboard shortcuts, see the Google Chrome documentation.

Tips and tricks

For more tips, see the Google Chrome documentation.


Report bugs on the issue tracker, ask questions on the IRC channel, send patches on the mailing list.